Beer Lover's Cheese Making Kit

Beer Lover's Cheese Making Kit

Regular price £22.50 Sale

Our brand new Beer Lover’s Cheese Making Kit is ideal for your Beer Loving customer! It makes 12 batches of delicious fresh cheese and includes recipes for 2 types of cheese: Beer Battered Cypriot style cheese (we’re not allowed to use the word ‘Halloumi’ as it has a ‘Protected Designation of Origin’ so let’s called this Cypriot Style Cheese!) and ‘ale washed squeaky cheese curds’…eating cheese curds is something more commonly done in North American and Canada – think of Canada’s national dish ‘poutine’. The Kit not only includes recipes for a delicious beer batter to be used with your ‘Cypriot Style Cheese’ but also for an exceptionally tasty Mexican Salad to accompany your ‘ale washed’ cheese. There’s enough ingredients to make 12 batches, and the Kit has a shelf life of at least 12 months.